Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Two Tigers

I have always believed that the reason why we have so many animals in our mythology is that the ancient Hindu wise men thought that the animals would be preserved like that. From the mouse to the mighty elephant are all associated with our gods and goddesses. Those animals are not only important to us in a religious way but also for our ecosystem and as our national treasure. The Indian royalty and the British in their macho lifestyles, all but wiped out the big cats. Even today, the poachers kill these magnificent animals for skin our bones and other body parts to be smuggled to China. You see, the Chinese treasure the body parts of the tiger for their traditional medicine. They wiped out their own tiger population so they are now paying money to Indian criminals to do their dirty job. Now the Indian Forest Office people are no more honest than our office babus. How can we expect them to take care of our national treasure? Everyone is selling the country out, why not these guys?
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